Mga Pahina

Miyerkules, Hulyo 30, 2014

The Pros of Proper Self-Storage and Warehousing

Warehouse for Lease

People nowadays are now beginning to understand the numerous advantages self-storage can offer. However, planning and constructing a suitable storage warehouse requires precise skill that demands considerable degree of expertise in terms of the right temperature manipulation, humidity and pest control. Although settling for some good warehouse for lease company might also be a good idea. There are several types of self-storage warehouse to choose from depending on the user’s standards and requirements. For example, plastic kitchen utensils can be good at a high-level range of temperature but electronic pieces such as wires and cables cannot endure such environment. Pricey items like cars, figurines and artworks require frequent maintenance and safeguarding which is a common problem in all self storage warehousing.

Warehouse for Lease
Photo from Safehouse Storage Philippines

Temperature Control Management

Several items cannot tolerate staggering humidity and temperature. Garments and other clothing items fade fast. Metal furniture rusts and electronic gadgets dampen. The best solution is to install temperature-controlled units to store things that are delicate to temperature variations. Self-storage units that have temperature control are more expensive but you can assure it is worth the additional expense. Further considering the idea, think about the damages that it could acquire by settling on a low-priced warehouse unit. The cash that you would spare in a low-priced unit can buy replacements of damaged items and products.

Storage Pricing

The reason we tend to place things in self-storage facilities is either we seldom used such things or we don’t use it at all (for the moment). Usually, most people just throw items they don’t use or don’t need in a storage warehouse, not understanding that the price of storage facility can well surpass the cost of the item or product sooner or later. Some may say that “I will just put that thing in the backyard or basement”, but still, it is not free. Buying a real estate property usually would cost more than closing a deal with a company that offers a warehouse for lease or rent for your storage needs.

Having the right self-storage is not enough; it will all start with the proper packaging. Think about heavy metal products wrapped with light linen materials; kitchen knives stack with paper packages; and fragile glasses loosely placed in a large carton box. Even the best warehousing company cannot estimate the damage it could cause. As I said earlier, it starts with proper packaging. When we say proper packaging, it involves the right packing material, fit-sized carton for specific items and other security measures. With this regard, better consult experts or outsourced the packaging job if you don’t have the proper packaging materials.

Do you want to know more about storage facilities, warehousing, self storage, and warehouse for lease? You can visit for more information.

Safehouse Storage
